Since 26 October 2010

December 4, 2010

7-zip. An awesome file archiver.

7-zip is a file manager and compression tools. This software is really awesome that I wanted to share with everyone.
I came over with this software after I have been so sicked and tired of my winzip, that asked me to upgrade it to a valid registered version. I do not really remember how I got this software. Maybe from a friend or I accidentally found this software on the internet. Well, but it does not matter. The only thing that matters is that this file archiver is very easy to use and itcompression and extraction speed is extremely fast.
Normally every computer bought came with a compression and extraction tool like winzip or winrar. However, some of them are trial version and after a per
iod you will be asked to buy it. I had a lot of experiences with these kind of stuffs so I always came over with all these free software. Yea, 7-zip is totally free. They never require you to buy in order to use. I have been using 7-zip to extract all my .rar/.zip file for more than half year and I never have problem with it.
Now why do I said that 7-zip is easy to use. Its interface and all the function can be done in just a click. Here is a screenshot of my 7-zip (please ignore my files :p).

By clicking the add button, you can choose the file that you want to extract or compression. After that click the extract button to extract. Just that easy right?
Do not worry that extracting files are slow, not with 7-zip. You can extract files in just a minutes, of course it depends on how large is your files. This is pretty awesome!
Okay, the most important thing is that how to get this software. Go to this link and download the .exe file. Install it and you should be able to use. Enjoy it!

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