Since 26 October 2010

March 31, 2011

My Red Hair Diary

Hey folks, here am I blogging again! (sounds excited) I have been wanting to post something on my blog, but I have not found something to actually blog about. I don't want to leave my blog unattended and looks miserable. Well... today I finally found something to blog about and make some spare time to do it!

As some of you might know or might not know, I got some red highlights on my hair last year. What I mean for last year is few months back, on Christmas Eve. I was back in Sandakan, and I went to get a new hairstyle for myself. First of all, RED is not my preference! I never plan or design myself a red highlight. Its actually purple. this purple

Nice huh? I wasn't going to dye my whole hair with this colour instead just a few highlight to look cool actually. LOL. Back to the point, I was going to dye this purple, but mistakenly the hairstylist dye my hair with a red highlight which I wasn't very satisfy at first. With this screwed up hair colour, I guess I just have to live with it, but turn out I love this hairstyle more than ever as I look fairer and more energetic (at least I think so) . That's how I got this red colour on my hair. After I got this highlight, I went to the hair salon once more and get my hair straighten. Here are some pictures of my hair:

p/s: Due to the fact that I dyed my red locks inside and hidden, so it might not appear to some of the people and even some of the pictures. However here are the pictures that I choose to show how much I love my hair.

pp/s: I might go and get the purple again and next time it might be pink! :) Colours rocks!

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