Since 26 October 2010

January 8, 2011

Happy Belated New Year all!

So it's already 8th of Jan 2011, it seems like only yesterday when everyone was celebrating the new year and talking all about their new year resolutions. As I've posted on my facebook account, I do not have any new year resolution yet. Yes... I know this is not a good thing to start a new year out. That's why when I start to write this post, I also think about what I should do and what I need to do in year 2011.

There's a lot of things that you know or you might not know about me. I am sorts of a sensitive fella, even though I never show it out. I cry easily when I am emotional, doesn't matter it's regarding something happy or sad. This is one of thing that I seriously need to change about myself this year. I have to try and care less about everyone that actually tensing myself out. I should learn to love myself more and become more optimistic. And because sometimes I tolerate so much that I let people affect me, I need to be stricter to myself. I've already started sticking to this resolution and of course... my close friends know what I am going through lately.

Next I want to get all my work done earlier than the deadline. I've always have this problem that I put all my works until the 11th hour and it put me into a few problems in year 2010. This year I will get all my homework done so much earlier before the day I've have to pass 'em up and also I will try to revise all my lecture notes right after the lecture, not until exam is around the corner. I believe if I work this out correctly, I will be able to get lots of works done.

Here's a secret which most of the people know (I bet it's not a secret anymore ;) ), I am a serious and addictive shopaholic. The first sign I notice I am one is when I read the novel of shopaholic by Sophia Kinsella and I have lots of similarities to the main character in the book who are also a shopaholic. I get excited when I go for shopping and especially using money; sometimes I buy things that are unneccessary and most importantly, I can't save money. Whenever I have some cash, I use them. This is what I am going to do this year to solve this problem, I am going to buy only what I really need, and I will try to find an alternative for my hobby of shopping. Furthermore, I am planning to get a new camera for myself (sorry, I am not thinking of a DSLR, I want a compact camera, so don't ask.)

Oh yea, not to forget about the one last thing of my new year resolution. This year I am going to love you more and more and more. :) Sorry.... I mean all my friends. Hope that this will be a good year for everyone. Happy belated New Year 2011.

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