Since 26 October 2010

May 8, 2011

Song of The Week* P!nk - Fuckin' Perfect

Hey peeps, it's time for song of the week AGAIN! Well, it has been a delay recently due to exam. I have also been running out of what song should I feature this week. Last night me and my friends are choosing a song to perform on a party and finally we decided to use this song. I know most of the people know this song, but what I want to emphasize is the music video and the story behind it. This is a very meaningful and inspiring song. I bet almost every teenager encounters things like this, but at the end, some manage to cope it and some did not. I dedicated this song to everyone, so that this song could helps whenever you face difficulty, no matter what it is. :) Enjoy!


May 5, 2011

Love ever, hate never.

I came across with this picture of love a moment ago. It is very cute and sweet enough. It sorts of remind me to love everyone around me, including those I have not been talking too much lately but I have not forgot you.

Love is an important element of all. No matter how many hardship we endure, love is always there for us. Especially with so many crimes and wars going around, not to mention those small little fights that almost each and every one of us probably has everyday. Have you ever stop and wonder how long have you quit loving someone or something? Have you stop loving yourself?

I believe that love is the solution to all problems. With love, there will not be hatred, argument, fights, wars, and hurts. If you are feeling annoyed or irritated, think for a moment on how much you love somebody or even how much you love yourself. If you are feeling down, remind yourself that there is always 2 person that love you no matter what - your parents and that they have sacrifice a lot to prove their love to you.

I love everyone I have in my life, even though sometimes we do not get along well, or we do not agree on something. But I know we all happened to be each other's life for a reason. I will try my best to love everyone as much as I could, like how I want everyone to love me. :)

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. - Mother Teresa

May 4, 2011


I do not hate people with different skin colour but I do hate people who hate people for that.

Of course we always have these kind of people around us, hating people with different races/skin colour. I have issues with people who are racists all the time because I do not understand why skin colour could make people different. I might as well blog about my experience next time, OR NOT. Remember that skin colour can be changed but it does not change what is it in us. Let's love but not hate.

Embrace everyone, love the world!

May 2, 2011

Truth or Hoax? Death of A Murderer of 3000 People

Good afternoon boys and girls, if you have already read the news, you must have known about the news that Osama Bin Laden, the murderer of 3000 people in the 911 incident was killed in an operation by the US army. In
case you haven't seen the news yet, I am telling you here, YES, Osama Bin Laden is dead and the US President Barack Obama confirm it.

This is a very thrilling news indeed. Like what President Barack Obama said: "Justice has been done." From some of the pictures I saw in the internet, people in US are celebrating about this news. Citizens and some family or friends of victims in 911 incident, are all glad that this cruel and brutal terrorist is killed.

Stepping into the 10th anniversary of the attack of Wo
rld Trade Centre in September 11, 2001, people would not have forgot what that incident have brought to people in US and the economy in US. They even said that it had brought huge damage to US intelligence.

I surfed on the internet and saw that there are many people wondering whether this is real or is this a hoax. Including me of course. However, President Barack Obama confirm it himself last night at the White House. I am not so sure that how they manage to identify the body they killed was belonged to Osama Bin Laden or is this another scam that the government used to convince people that he is dead. They did not
include pictures or evidence that really showed that his body is found. This is hard to convince some people that he is dead as rumors have been going round many times but none of that are true.

Well... No matter how, we cannot ignore the fact that thousands of people was murdered under his hand and the terror that he gave to people. Even if he is dead, that cannot bring back all the people who die because of him in September 11 2001, we can only hope that they can stop him from killing more people.

Let's take 1 minute to mourn as a memorial to people that were killed in that incident.

Life is not on the hand of human, but on the hand of god.

May 1, 2011

Song of The Week* Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't Fall

Well... It's time for Song of The Week again. Sorry for the delay if any of you have been keeping up on this. There's a internet problem at my place AGAIN. This week, ('s already Sunday) the featured song is Tears Don't Fall from Bullet For My Valentine. I have been thinking a lot before posting this. I know I know... This song is so-not-fiona, but this is a really nice song that I would really love to recommend. Apart from other songs from BFMV, this is one of the best! (I am not a fan of BFMV though). I especially love the guitar part and this song is VERY uplifting! OMiGosh! When I was telling I feel like listening to it again. :D So guys, enjoy!!!


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